Welcome to my little corner of this ethereal world wide web and my journey through the science-fictionalism of this troubled realm.
Lucky for us, we have fine examples of how to live in this brave new world; through movies and television programs. So, I search for the nexus of science fiction as it manifests within this consensus reality.
Areas of interest: practical philosophy, robots, mythology, making lists, conspirology, gender, humanism, time travel, alien encounters, utopian and dystopian futures, film production, space colonisation, ancient alien conspiracies, crafting lists, photography, identity, space travel, James Bond, why Star Trek always better than Star Wars lists, detective, romance, westerns, coffee, Ennio Morricone, conspiracies, Doctor Who, film criticism, Monty Python, perceptions of truth, Australian science fiction film and television, special effects, cinematography, community radio, temporal relocation mechanics, great dialogue, intrigues, movie soundtracks, British comedy, what-if scenarios, the general meaning of life, directing, acting, 2001:a space odyssey, creating lists, films which make you think, and ice cream.
ajjames: writer, radio broadcaster, media producer, blogger, list maker.
Contact only for intelligent and witty conversations.